Stories with Pusheens I

  • 8:23pm


    let’s tell stories

    with pusheens

  • 8:23pm

    besides the story of your life…
    Let me provide an EXAMPLE!
  • 8:24pm

    This is Joe.
    Joe is sleeping.
    Joe sleeps with his appendages in the air.
  • 8:25pm

    Joe is tired because we woke him up.
    Joe is not appreciative of reality. He has been wrought in melancholy and madness
    and is depressed
    because his dreams
    are more glorious than reality.
    For in his dreams…
  • he is pooping!
    The gastrointestinal release
    is so gratifying to Joe.
  • Just look at Joe blush as he reflects upon his splendid dreams

    Pusheen Joe blushes after he poops

    Thus is the life of Joe

  • 8:27pm

    TA DA~!